Well, we're back from vacation. We got back Friday evening. I had hopes of catching up on everyone else's blogs while away but that never happened! I didn't even post on my own blog or read any of the books I brought. We did have a great time, though.
We go to this same rental house every year so it's become a second home for me. Last summer it was over 100 degrees which is totally uncharacteristic of New England in early June. This year, the weather was right where it should be which made for a much more pleasant visit. It was in the low 70's during the day and around 50 at night. Ideal! We spent a day in downtown Portsmouth, popped over to Maine for an afternoon, went to Storyland amusement park, Squam Lakes Science center, Childrens Museum. On my birthday, we went to Weirs Beach, played in the arcades, mini-golf, went to Kellerhaus for ice cream sundae bar, shopping, went to dinner at one of my fave local spots where I enjoyed the steak I've been craving for months! We went to the drive in movie and saw UP which was cute. All in all, a great birthday.
My BFF was up for a few days and was nice enough to share her germs with me so we both ended up with bronchitis. So the last few days of vaca were spent largely on the couch in front of a fire watching movies with Bianca. It was okay, though, because the weather had turned cold and rainy by that point. I was able to find a local Dr to give me some anti-biotics and was feeling better by the time we had to come home.
Unfortunately, once I got home, I am now all off kilter. I couldn't sleep the first night. Bianca is way off schedule and not sleeping well either. I ended up with an injury that I'm going to skip the details of except to say it's causing me intense pain and making mobility very challenging. I'm coughing more today, presumably lack of sleep knocking me back a step in recovering. I have a terrible headache. For some reason, I got really messed up in taking my anti-anxiety meds while away and I think I'm down several doses over the 10 day period. I seemed to be taking them about every 36 hours instead of every 24. I think I forgot one yesterday but I'm not sure. I just feel all messed up. It's 2pm, I'm still in my PJs and I need to go grocery shopping & cook for the week. I don't know where I'm going to find the energy. Let's not even talk about how I'm going to rise at 5am tomorrow and return to work. It seems incomprehensible at this moment.
Kim, love this, especially the title of the blog. I'm linking over :)
and here we are in the midst of winter, but we liked reading your holiday blog LOL
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