In any case, between jitters and coughing, I had a rough time sleeping. Today, I've been doing the inhaler as prescribed and I am wheezing again within 10 minutes. Good times.
My mother comes over tonight. I'm ready to give her the advice she requested, I think. Not sure if I will bring it up if she does not. I just may not have the energy today. But I'm preparing for it nonetheless.
And now for the 21 Days part: I was watching something that said it takes 21 days for a habit to be formed. 21 Days of the same behavior day after day. So I've decided that, one day at a time, I will make it through 21 days of victory over my addiction. I think I'm going to start referring to my addiction as "VOMA" (Voice Of My Addiction) and keeping that picture I posted in my mind. I guess it makes me feel like it's more tangible and hence "easier" to fight when I think of it in such concrete terms, as opposed to just this "feeling" that resides inside of me. I have made 2 days now. March 30 will be 21 days. Come hell or worse-than-hell, I will make it through 21 days. And that's the only time frame I am going to worry about for now. I'm going to make my list of distracting activities and put each on a piece of paper in a basket so that if I feel the urge to listen to VOMA, I will immediately be presented with something else to do and I won't have to put any thought into coming up with something if I'm feeling confused or overwhelmed. I can do this. And frankly, if I ~can't~ do this, then I belong in a rehab facility. I claim my power. I own it. I'm workin' it!!
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