So combining my own project with my T homework, I've decided to conjure not only the father of my dreams but also the little girl, the "me" of my dreams. And then I can write to both of them and hopefully process some mourning/grieving work. The following are some random images that captured my attention and I'm going to start building my fictional, longed for, father/daughter relationship here.

My Daddy is my hero. I look up to him more than anyone else in my life. He makes me feel loved, special, safe. I know I can do no wrong in his eyes. He looks at me with such pure, shameless adoration. He lets me jump all over him. He answers every one of my questions. I run to him unabashedly when I want to play or snuggle, when I want to have my fears calmed and when I want to play make believe. I love the feel of his scruffy face and the way he smells like soap. We do eskimo kisses and butterfly kisses. We tickle and giggle.

As I get older and am no longer a little girl, our relationship matures and grows. We share a special bond and I never hesitate to talk to my Dad about what is on my mind. He's never too busy for me. He works hard but his family comes first. He has time for me no matter what and he always wants to hear what is on my mind. He gives me an ear and guidance. He helps me build the tools of self confidence and esteem. He teaches me that everything I need to succeed in this world is already inside of me. He tells me he believes in me and that he's proud of me. He's one of those obnoxious Dads who sit in the front row for every school performance, camera flashing and telling nearby people "That's MY daughter!". He's the "cool" Dad who all my friends wish for. He never misses my birthday and he plans special vacations for us as a family, being sure to include little surprises that each person in the family will really love. He makes sure we balance work and play. He helps me with my homework because he wants to be involved. When I make a mistake, he never criticizes. He disciplines with love, always my best interest at the heart of it. He never yells at me, never threatens me, never intimidates me. He takes me seriously with my teenage crises because he knows they are the biggest things in my innocent world. He goes with me to college visits and interviews. He picks up a car decal from every single one we visit so that he can put it on his car the very second I decide where to go. He oozes pride for his once little girl who has flourished into a strong, confident young woman. He attends school conferences, parents weekends, graduations. He gives me away at my wedding and openly weeps at his baby all grown up. He gives one of those father toasts that leaves not a dry eye in the house. He becomes a doting grandfather with a wallet bursting with photos of his latest pride and joy. Every passerby is an unsuspecting target for tales of his granddaughter and how she is the purest angel this world has least, since her mother was a baby.
I wish I had had a Daddy like that.
I wish we all had fathers, parents & childhoods like this. :o(
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